Monday, June 3, 2013

Displaying Sparklers at Your Wedding

I love all the pictures that brides send in from their gorgeous wedding day showing their grand exit, but I don't get many photos of how the sparklers were displayed for their guests.  One of the questions I get asked frequently is how to display the sparklers in an elegant way. 

I decided to go to my favorite website, Pinterest, and look for creative ideas on what to do with the sparklers at the reception.  I was surprised at all the creative ways brides came up with to have the sparklers ready for each guest to grab. 

Here are some of my favorite photos:

You can use these ideas from our smaller #14 Gold Wedding Sparklers up to our largest #36 Gold Sparklers.  There are some great ideas on Pinterest, so all you crafty brides have your scissors and hot glue gun handy to make some of these fabulous displays!

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